انجمن دفاع از زندانیان سیاسی و حقوق بشر ایران                                                                                       بازگشت به صفحه اصلی

Announcement No 2

Announcement No 2

According to the Committee to Save Mosleh’s life hundreds of protesters along with Mosleh’s family have gathered in front of the city of Sanandaj judiciary building. The demands of the protesters were written on placards and were as follow:

Do not execute Mosleh Zamani
We demand the demand withdrawal of hanging sentence of Mosleh who is a child
Mosleh Zamani has not committed any crime other that being in love

According to this report security services have used force to disperse the protesters, but the protest is still continuing.

Complementary news and photo report will be provided as soon as they become available to us.

Association in defense of political prisoners and human rights in Iran
Tuesday, 17 July 2007

News source: The association in defence of political prisoners and human rights in Iran
For further information please contact Azad Zamani. Tel no: 00447930193378


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